Here is a few pictures of the gopro mount I made.
It was very simple to make and is very durable. the slot for the gopro is made out of plastic that was milled into shape thanks to the help of Donal my lecturer. this is fits straight into a hollow pipe which has a bracket bolted onto the end.
So far I haven't got much footage with it yet, it seems like every time I turn up to the river with it something goes wrong (but not with the mount). But one Wintry evening in November I got a chance to test it out on the Clare glens. the river had rose to .65 on the gauge and we had a solid group so it was a perfect chance to get some sweet footage. It had been really windy the night before and Peter suggested we take it hand for the first run to scout for trees and then have a blast down on the second run, so i decided to hold off on the footage until then. Ironically the first run turned out to be the quicker of the two.. So we made our way back up to top drop, the river was still tanking, I bolted on the mount and off we went. The mount works like a dream. Its very sturdy when bolted on properly and it even sustained a pretty big hit of a rock, which only bent it backwards on the bracket.